What is a root canal treatment (ENDODONTICS) and what does it consist of?

One of the most used procedures in the dentist is endodontics: it is a treatment of the root canals or roots of the tooth, in which the total extraction of the dental pulp is carried out.

Endodontics is a procedure that saves teeth and reduces extraction cases.

Why is root canal (endodontic) treatment performed?

Endodontics are performed on teeth with deep cavities, which lead to inflammation or necrosis (death) of the dental pulp. Other reasons for the appearance of pulpitis or inflammation of the pulp are some trauma, abrasion, erosion and wear of the teeth due to friction between them (for example due to bruxism) or the infiltration of bacteria in old restorative treatments and the materials used in them.

What is root canal treatment (endodontics)?

Endodontics is the total removal of the pulp or nerve of the tooth. It is a cleaning procedure of the root canal system in which bacteria and necrotic tissue are removed to leave the canal as aseptic as possible. It is done in different phases:

  • Phase 1: The opening, which consists of access to the pulp chamber and root canals and the removal of caries.
  • Phase 2: Instrumentation, in which cleaning and disinfection is carried out.
  • Phase 3: The closure, when the ducts are filled and sealed.

What is root canal treatment (endodontics)?

Carrying out root canal treatment:

The anesthesia used in this type of intervention is local, affecting only the tooth to be treated and the surrounding area.

An access is made in the crown of the tooth through which the pulp is accessed for extraction and the tooth is isolated from the entire organism.

The access is made as small as possible, so as not to weaken the tooth. There will be cases where it can be done through the metal-porcelain crown of the tooth.

It is the instrumentation phase to be able to clean and disinfect the interior of the entire system of ducts that exists in the root of the teeth.

The interior of all the ducts of each root is filled with material called gutta-percha, achieving three-dimensional hermeticism to prevent reinfection. We carry out this phase with hot gutta-percha to make sure we reach all the irregularities.

A subsequent x-ray and observation by the dentist to verify the effectiveness of the intervention. Follow-up is usually done for a few weeks or months.


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