Dental Implant


Dental implant specialists

Dental implants were created to replace missing or lost teeth for any reason, simulating artificial roots and integrating completely naturally with the rest of the tissues of the mouth. Currently, implants have become the best method to replace missing teeth.

A firm and stable dental prosthesis is placed on them so that they transmit the forces of chewing to the bone, this being stimulated and preventing its reabsorption that causes aging of the features of the face.

Immediate implants

implantes dentales precio

Currently and on occasions that allow it, implants and teeth can be placed on them on the same day of surgery. This has been a great contribution that has given comfort to patients. We can perform this technique depending on the quantity and quality of the patient's bone and the area to be restored.

Today the patient must know that with existing bone regeneration techniques (maxillary sinus lift, alveolar ridge augmentation) we can place dental implants with a very high success rate in practically all cases.

Advantages of dental implants

The main advantages of our implantology treatments are:

  • The most important thing in our clinic is to make a correct individualized diagnosis in order to make a virtual treatment planning by computer.
  • They recover the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
  • They solve the lack of stability of the teeth.
  • The intervention is performed under local anesthesia, so it is painless.
  • They prevent bone loss.
  • The patient gains self-confidence and improves his self-esteem.

Advantages of dental implants

Frequent questions

Dental implants are for life, as long as the patient maintains care and follows revision protocols agreed with the surgeon. 

The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort at any time. The intervention is carried out in most cases under local anesthesia. In long-term interventions (complete rehabilitations, maxillary sinus lifts, bone regeneration) sedation can be used, if the patient prefers.

Contrary to what it may seem, in many cases the post-operative period involves less discomfort and inconvenience than dental extractions. It can only cause minor discomfort during the healing process. In cases of major interventions, with bone regeneration and grafts, inflammation frequently appears during the first days, although it is not painful and allows normal life.

The placement of single dental implants usually lasts about thirty minutes.

Usually, the placement of the prostheses on the implants is done 2 or 3 months after implantation. However, each case must be evaluated individually.

On certain occasions the prosthesis can be placed on the same day as the implants to achieve greater aesthetics.

You should take the same care with your dental implants as with your natural teeth, good daily hygiene and regular maintenance in our office.


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Oral Surgery


Experts in advanced oral surgery

Dental surgery is a specialty of dentistry that diagnoses and surgically treats pathologies and defects of the mouth and dental structure. Each of these interventions is performed by doctors specialized in oral surgery.

The oral surgeon must have in-depth knowledge of the basic sciences for his profession, such as anatomy, histology and physiology, as well as the most frequent nosological entities. 

Pre-prosthetic surgery

They are interventions that are carried out prior to the placement of a prosthesis. They consist of conditioning the gums or the maxillary or mandibular bone to facilitate a correct adaptation of the prosthesis. We can also include in this type of surgery the placement of bone grafts for the subsequent placement of implants.

Pre-prosthetic surgery is used to provide a better anatomical environment and create support structures for the dental prosthesis. To achieve the objective of this type of surgery, one of the most important parameters is the maximum preservation of the patient's soft and hard tissues.

Extraction of wisdom teeth

The fact of having wisdom teeth or third molars does not mean that they have to be extracted systematically. Not all the population has these molars, in fact the tendency is to disappear with the evolution of the human being.

In our clinic we are experts in this type of surgery, the surgeon will analyze each case individually evaluating the need or not to extract the piece.

Extraction of wisdom teeth

Other surgeries

Apicoectomies, coronary lengthening, frenectomies, dental fenestrations, torus and bone exostoses, oral lesions, abscesses, "phlegmons", cysts and granulomas.


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Rehabilitación Completa


¿Cuándo es necesaria una rehabilitación completa?

Este tipo de tratamientos complejos los realizamos cuando es necesario tratar una boca en muy mal estado, con grandes desgastes en los dientes, alteración en la dimensión vertical y/o con múltiples ausencias de dientes. En estos casos será necesario rehabilitar la arcada dental completa superior o inferior o ambas arcadas (en el caso de ser necesario rehabilitar toda la boca) y de manera simultánea consiguiendo devolver al paciente la función y estética perdida.

¿En qué consiste el tratamiento?

Estos tratamientos son Multidisciplinares, ayudándonos en infinidad de casos de varias especialidades de la odontología como Periodoncia para mejorar el estado periodontal general del paciente y lograr una buena estabilidad de sus encías y dientes, tratamientos Ortodóncicos para mejorar la posición de los dientes, Prótesis como coronas o puentes para conseguir rehabilitar dientes muy desgastados o fracturados así como conseguir aumentar la dimensión vertical perdida e Implantología para reponer ausencia de dientes y así conseguir una buena oclusión, función y estética de la boca de nuestros pacientes, mejorando la calidad de vida y la apariencia de los mismos.

Calidad de vida

El objetivo principal de estos tratamientos es conseguir devolver al paciente la sonrisa perdida consiguiendo unos patrones de oclusión (mordida) y estabilidad dimensional correctos para que perdure el tratamiento durante mucho tiempo y que el paciente pueda comer y realizar una vida con total normalidad.

 En caso de ser necesario realizar una rehabilitación completa, cuanto más tarde lo tratemos más complejo será y por lo tanto mayor coste.

Calidad de vida


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Orthopaedics and Orthodontics


A beautiful smile restores your confidence

Orthodontics is responsible for building beautiful smiles by bringing teeth, lips and maxillary bones into harmony. Depending on the age and malocclusion problems, different specific treatments will be carried out for each patient.
The correct placement of the teeth guarantees a better quality of life, recovering the smile and allowing a good functioning of the teeth.

Orthopedic treatments

Dentofacial orthopedics is responsible for guiding facial growth through functional devices that focus on the development of the maxillary and mandibular bones. Correct control of bone growth will allow a better eruption of the teeth.

Es importante realizar un estudio fotográfico y radiográfico para poder determinar cuál es el aparato ideal. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos podemos tratar casi todos los casos mediante tratamiento de ortodoncia invisible garantizando así mayor comodidad para los más pequeños En la clínica Vilar- Sancho la ortodoncista posee gran experiencia con su título de Invisalign® , providing the best treatment for your child.

Orthodontic treatments

In adulthood we can no longer move the bones, so we carry out treatments where we focus on the movement of the teeth to improve aesthetics, bite and dental hygiene.
The movement of the teeth is carried out by means of a treatment with brackets (metal or aesthetic) or invisible orthodontics, depending on the type of malocclusion and the patient's preferences. Orthodontic treatment can last 12, 18 or 24 months depending on the path the teeth have to take through the alveolar bone, always respecting the biology of each patient. At the Vilar-Sancho clinic, the orthodontist has extensive experience due to her training in Invisalign® , which means that she's able to offer the best treatment currently available.

Orthodontic treatments

Orthognathic surgery

Mandibular or maxillary alterations in adult patients, which cause functional problems, cannot be corrected by orthodontics alone. ( Creo que suena màs explìcito de esta manera) Therefore it is recommended to have a surgical intervention with a maxillofacial surgeon where the perfect balance is achieved by means of bone movements.

Treatments usually last approximately 2 years, combining orthodontics with bone surgery.


It's never too late. We can correct the position of the teeth at any age. We have successfully treated children and adults of all ages. It is always possible to improve anyone's smile. But to carry out a correct orthodontic treatment it is necessary to start it with healthy teeth and gums, without cavities and without inflammation.


We recommend avoiding hard foods that can damage dental appliances and cause them to detach. We must avoid certain habits such as nail biting. Every time an appliance is damaged we must visit the orthodontist and the treatment can take longer.

The orthodontist will provide you with a kit with the instruments you need to care for your dental appliances and hygiene instructions for more thorough cleaning.

After an orthodontic treatment (with brackets or aligners) it is always necessary to use retainers .The mouth is constantly changing and is subjected to all kinds of forces when chewing and speaking, creating small movements that over time end up displacing the teeth again. For this reason, once the orthodontic treatment is finished, a fixed and/or removable retainer will be put in place which must be used for the rest of your life.

The duration of the orthodontic treatment will depend on the complexity of the case, but without a doubt, the best age to influence the movement of the teeth is during the growth stage. During this period it is easy to correct the possible defects that patients present.

Planning requires certain therapeutic objectives, which will vary according to a series of factors such as the age of the person, the characteristics of the teeht or the stage of growth they are in, among others.


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